In the recently concluded TePP workshop on'Taking Innovations to market' , held on 1st & 2nd Sept 2006 at INSA, Delhi, over 30 TePP innovators presented their past achievements and future plans. One question in the mind of many is -Why TePP phase-II?
George R. white and Margaret.B.W.Graham in their paper ` How to spot a technological winner' published in Harvard Business review (Reprint 78212) listed 2 essential conditions. They are 'Technology Potency' and 'Business advantage'. Technology potency has 2 components ,'Inventive merit' & 'Embodiment merit'. Similarly Business advantage accrues from 'Operational merit' & 'Market merit'.
TePP Phase-1 aims at 'innovation incubation', developing Inventive merit & Embodiment merit. Whereas in Phase-II, the emphasis shifts to 'enterprise incubation' where the efforts would be on generating 'Operational merit & Market merit'.